The Crocs legend originated in July 2002, when three American founders who are enthusiastic about rowing found that there was a lack of lightweight shoes suitable for rowing in the market. Therefore, they decided to take the initiative to start developing a type of footwear product designated for rowing and outdoor activities. In February 2006, Crocs was listed on NASDAQ (NYSE: CROX), and has bee one of the fastest growing panies in the USA. CROCS continuously improve its design development and sales of its casual footwear products. Nowadays, to choose Crocs has bee a lifestyle of people, and the constant pursuance of fashion and trend.
Crocs传奇故事来源于2002年7月,当时三位热爱划艇的美国创办者眼见市场缺乏适合划船的轻便鞋,因此决定开创先河,制作出专为划船和户外运动而设定的鞋类产品. 2006年2月,Crocs在美国纳斯达克上市(NYSE:CROX),成为美国本土高增长的公司之一,而其海外版图,近年更有不断扩张之势。CROCS在休闲鞋类产品的设计开发和销售上不断推陈出新, 时至今日选择CROCS已成为人们的