About KROPTEK KROPTEK is a UK-based Agritech solutions pany, with a leading in-house CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) and R&D team, serving clientsin 20 countries such as UK, herlands, Spain, France, Canada ect,. KROPTEK team is on a mission to enable the new agricultural revolution byempowering growers to locally grow high quality crops at consistent volumesanywhere in the world, any time of the year. With our team cumulating rich expertise in LED lights and plant biology research, we offer proven-performance light recipes. Our spectrums optimize the development and maximize the yield of a large variety of crops, at all stages of their growth cycle. 公司简介 科罗普泰克(深圳)技术有限公司是一家总部在英国伦敦的外资企业,作为领先的LED植物照明方案提供商,我们与University of Readying, Aberystwyth University等大学科研机构对不同植物所需的光质,光周期,光环境进行研究并积累了丰富的经验。自主品牌KROPTEK 的Container Farms and Vertical Farms, Green House等应用补光